[學習][施耐德電機大學] Professional Development Paths - (1) Texas A&M University ITEST Grant: Introduction to Building Automation and (2) Texas A&M University: Building Energy Management Systems Course
施耐德電機大學(Schneider Electric University)推出能源相關的系列課程。美國德州農工大學(Texas A&M University)則在這些課程中,建議一個專業發展路徑(Professional Development Path),提供給人去學習。
Texas A&M University ITEST Grant: Introduction to Building Automation
Course Description:
Texas A&M ITEST Project is designed to motivate 6th to 12th grade students to consider STEM careers using building automation IoT and 3D printing technologies. This Professional Development pathway offers an introductory overview of energy efficiency and building automation.
Course content:
1. Energy Efficiency Fundamentals
2. Energy Efficiency with Building Automation Systems I
3. Energy Efficiency with Building Automation Systems II
4. Energy Audits
5. Energy Audits Instrumentation I: Electrical, Lighting, Temperature and Humidity Measurement
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Certificate of Achievement - Texas A&M University ITEST Grant: Introduction to Building Automation. Date: 2023-12-17 |
Texas A&M University: Building Energy Management Systems Course
Course Description:
Texas A&M University brings you Energy University courses designed to introduce you to today’s most pressing energy issues for the sake of a better future. This program covers energy auditing, business strategy, economics, engineering, and more - and is part of the Texas A&M Building Energy Management Systems course.
Course content:
1. Energy Rate Structures I: Concepts and Unit Pricing
2. Energy Rate Structures II: Understanding and Reducing Your Bill
3. Demand Response and the Smart Grid
4. Electrical Concepts
5. Energy Efficiency Fundamentals
6. HVAC Systems I: Introduction to HVAC Systems
7. HVAC Systems II: All-Air Systems and Temperature Control
8. HVAC Systems III: Air-and-Water and All-Water Systems
9. Building Controls I: An Introduction to Building Controls
10. Building Controls II: Control Sensors
11. Building Controls III: Introduction to Control Loops.
12. Building Controls V: Proportional and PID Responses
13. Building Controls VIII: Controllers and Controlled Devices
14. Fundamental Principles of Network Security
15. Energy Audits
16. Energy Audits Instrumentation I: Electrical, Lighting, Temperature and Humidity Measurement
17. Energy Audits Instrumentation II: Pressure, air flow, water flow, combustion testing, RPM, compressed air
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Certificate of Achievement - TEXAS A&M University: Building Energy Management Systems Course. Date: 2024-03-24 |
關於德州農工大學 (Texas A&M University)
德州農工大學(Texas A&M University,縮寫為 A&M 或 TAMU),位於美國德克薩斯州大學城,創於1876年。成立時名為德克薩斯農業與機械學院 (The Agricultural and Mechanical College of Texas),為全美十大工程名校和研究型大學,除其工程學院排名全美前十之外,也是美國德州第一所高等教育學府。
校名中的"A"與"M"源自於創校時的舊名,"A"原本代表農業 (agricultural),"M"原本代表機械工程(mechanical),來自大學前身的名稱。隨著該校正式成為大學,"A&M"一詞已不再代表縮寫,成為正式的校名。
1. 有些新東西進來,刺激想像,很好。
2. 體力不好時,沒辦法進行太多學習。要放棄,適度停下來,休息後再出發。在拿"TEXAS A&M University: Building Energy Management Systems Course"這張照時,中間停了幾個月,處理其他事情,調整體力。有時學習不用太勉強,想要、能要時,就自然去學習。
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[學習][施耐德電機大學] 儲能相關課程
Texas A&M University
GOOD! ^_^