[學習][施耐德電機大學] Professional Development Paths - U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs Data Center and U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs Project Engineer

施耐德電機大學(Schneider Electric University)推出能源相關的系列課程。美國退伍軍人事務部(United States Department of Veterans Affairs)則在這些課程中,建議一個專業發展路徑(Professional Development Path),提供給退伍軍人去學習,了解能源效率以及如何降低能源費用。


Professional Development Path - U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs Data Center

Course Description:
官網上沒提供資料。應該是說,官網上的課程描述資料竟然使用"U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs Project Engineer"的內容,不吻合該課程。不過,直接看課程內容就懂了。

Course content:
1. Fundamentals of Availability
2. Fundamentals of Cabling Strategies for Data Centers
3. Fundamentals of Cooling I
4. Fundamentals of Cooling II: Humidity in the Data Center
5. Fundamentals of Physical Security
6. Generator Fundamentals
7. Fundamentals of Power
8. Power Distribution I
9. Rack Fundamentals


Certificate of Achievement - U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs Data Center. Date: 2023-11-14

Professional Development Path - U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs Project Engineer

Course Description:
Completion of each elective track will earn you education hours towards a VA Project Engineer certificate of completion. This pathway provides an overview of the building systems that directly relate to energy and energy efficiency projects. Before you can achieve maximum efficiency in system operations it is vital to have a good foundation on the intended function and operations of each of these systems including boilers and steam systems, compressed air, fans, pumps, and building controls. This path assists you and your staff members with the practical overview you need to spot the energy hogs, so you can carve them up generating energy savings and better system performance for your patients, visitors, and staff.

Course content:
1. Active Energy Efficiency Using Speed Control
2. Building Envelope-US Version
3. Efficient Motor Control With Power Drives Systems
4. Energy Efficiency with Building Automation Systems I
5. Energy Efficiency with Building Automation Systems II
6. Fan Systems I: Introduction to Fan Performance
7. Fan Systems II: Fan Types
8. Fan Systems III: Improving System Efficiency
9. Fan Systems IV: Improving System Efficiency
10. HVAC Efficiency and Equipment Optimization-US Version
11. Industrial Insulation I: Materials and Systems
12. Industrial Insulation II: Design Data Calculations
13. Lighting IV: Basic Lamp Families: High-Intensity Discharge and LED
14. Lighting V: Economics
15. Motors: A Performance Opportunity Roadmap
16. Motors: Loads, Losses and Operating Costs-US Version
17. Pumping Systems I: Pump Types and Performance
18. Pumping Systems II: Efficient Flow Control
19. Pumping Systems III: Improving System Efficiency
20. Steam Systems IV: Condensate Removal - Prevent your energy from going down the drain
21. Steam Systems V: Condensate Removal - Maximizing Your Recovery
22. Strategic Energy Planning
23. US Energy Codes and Standards

Certificate of Achievement - U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs Project Engineer. Date: 2023-12-14

PS: 課程中的Steam Systems雖然是從IV開始,但其實I, II, III也不能跳過,得自己先去學習,把課程走過,才會比較知道IV跟V在講什麼。


"Steam Systems III: Distribution, Control & Regulation of Steam"課程中的"Course Transcript",放錯檔案


獻慶發現,"Steam Systems III: Distribution, Control & Regulation of Steam"課程中的"Course Transcript",放錯檔案了。放上了與"Course Overview"相同的檔案。

"Steam Systems III: Distribution, Control & Regulation of Steam"課程中的"Course Transcript",放錯檔案了。放上了與"Course Overview"相同的檔案。

2023-12-11星期一,寫個E-mail過去官方反映該問題,立刻獲得回應,並附上"Course Transcript"檔案。

2023-12-11星期一,寫個E-mail過去官方反映該問題,立刻獲得回應,並附上"Course Transcript"檔案。



2023-12-14星期四。"Steam Systems III: Distribution, Control & Regulation of Steam"課程中的"Course Transcript",已經把檔案修正完畢。這樣未來學習該課程的朋友們就不會遭遇到獻慶碰過的窘境了!

2023-12-14星期四。"Steam Systems III: Distribution, Control & Regulation of Steam"課程中的"Course Transcript",已經把檔案修正完畢。

關於美國退伍軍人事務部(United States Department of Veterans Affairs)

美國退伍軍人事務部(英語: United States Department of Veterans Affairs,縮寫: VA),成立於1989年,是為美國退伍軍人及家屬提供服務的內閣部門。




退伍軍人管理局的退伍軍人健康管理局是美國最大的綜合醫療保健網絡,擁有 1,255 個醫療保健機構,每年為 900 萬名登記退伍軍人提供服務。


國家公墓管理局(National Cemetery Administration, NCA)的工作是確保那些為這個國家服務的人永遠不會被遺忘。 NCA 將150 多個墓地作為國家聖地,為退伍軍人和符合資格的家庭成員提供有尊嚴的埋葬服務,並在退伍軍人遺產紀念館提供數位紀念,以紀念他們的遺產、服務和為我們國家做出的犧牲。



About the Department
Our Mission: To fulfill President Lincoln’s promise to care for those who have served in our nation’s military and for their families, caregivers, and survivors.

Our Missions
In addition to our primary mission, VA carries out four specific missions to make good on our commitment to Veterans and other beneficiaries.

Veterans Health Care
VA’s Veterans Health Administration is the largest integrated health care network in the United States, with 1,255 health care facilities serving 9 million enrolled Veterans each year.

Veterans Benefits
Veterans can earn a range of benefits that help them transition back to civilian life in the country they fought to defend. Through the Veterans Benefits Administration, VA helps service members transition out of military service, and assists with education, home loans, life insurance and much more.

National Cemeteries
The job of the National Cemetery Administration is to make sure those who served this nation are never forgotten. NCA provides dignified burial services for Veterans and eligible family members by maintaining more than 150 cemeteries as national shrines and provides digital memorialization at the Veterans Legacy Memorial to commemorate their legacy, service and sacrifice to our nation.

The Fourth Mission
VA’s “Fourth Mission” is to improve the Nation’s preparedness for response to war, terrorism, national emergencies, and natural disasters by developing plans and taking actions to ensure continued service to Veterans, as well as to support national, state, and local emergency management, public health, safety and homeland security efforts.






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United States Department of Veterans Affairs官網:

Wikipedia: United States Department of Veterans Affairs






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