[學習][施耐德電機大學] 儲能相關課程

獻慶這陣子發現施耐德電機大學(Schneider Electric University)有儲能的相關課程。就去學習一下。



Battery Safety and Environmental Concerns

Course Description:
Battery systems and battery rooms are regulated by a number of fire safety and environmental standards and codes. Proper interpretation of these codes is essential in the design and implementation of data centers and network rooms.

It is important for data center designers to have a clear understanding of the fire safety and environmental regulations as they apply to UPS battery installations. While most commercial battery back-up systems fall below government-required reporting levels, very large UPS and DC plant batteries may have to comply. Failure to comply can result in costly penalties.

Environmental compliance focuses on the amount of sulfuric acid and lead at a particular location. Power ratings for VRLA batteries and modular battery cartridges (MBC) are much higher than for flooded batteries at the same reporting threshold. This course offers a high level summary of the regulations and provides guidance for locating sources of regulatory information.

Learning Objectives:
At the completion of this course, you will be able to
  • Differentiate between various battery types
    • Flooded (unsealed) batteries
    • Valve Regulated Lead Acid (VRLA) batteries
    • Modular Battery Cartridges (MBC)
  • Recognize battery systems standards and codes
    • Federal Code of Regulations
    • Fire codes
    • Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
    • Occupational Safety and Health Agency (OSHA)
  • Describe how safety regulations apply to different battery technologies

Certificate of Achievement - Battery Safety and Environmental Concerns. Date: 2023-09-17

Data Center Back-up Batteries: Options and Lifecycle Costs

Course Description:
This course will focus on the lead-acid battery. In the data center, the lead-acid battery is the predominant choice for Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) energy storage. Over 10 million installed UPSs utilize either Flooded, Valve Regulated Lead Acid (VRLA), and Modular Battery Cartridge (MBC) systems. This course will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of these three battery technologies. In addition, the lifecycle cost of these different UPS battery technologies will also be analyzed.

Learning Objectives:
At the completion of this course you will be able to:
  • Define Flooded, Valve Regulated Lead Acid, and Modular Battery Cartridge systems
  • Explain the differences between Flooded, Valve Regulated Lead Acid, and Modular Battery Cartridge systems
  • Compare the installation, life expectancy, and failure modes of each battery type
  • Differentiate the costs associated with the purchase, maintenance, and infrastructure adaptability of UPS Battery Technology

Certificate of Achievement - Data Center Back-up Batteries: Options and Lifecycle Costs. Date: 2023-09-18

Battery Technology for Data Centers and Network Rooms

Course Description:
This course provides an overview of battery technology for data centers and network rooms. The different types of batteries, the planning of installations, and the analysis of lifecycle costs will be addressed.

Learning Objectives:
At the completion of this course you will be able to:
  • Describe how a battery works
  • Recognize how batteries support data center and network room loads
  • Identify the major categories of data center and network room batteries
  • Learn how to plan and prepare for battery installations
  • Discuss battery lifecycle costs

Certificate of Achievement - Battery Technology for Data Centers and Network Rooms. Date: 2023-09-25

Battery Technology: Site Planning and Ventilation

Course description:
Most data centers rely on lead acid batteries as their primary source of short term backup power. Battery plant design and battery deployment decisions will impact the configuration of the data center site. Proper ventilation of the area that houses the batteries will play a key role in addressing site health and safety considerations. We will discuss how battery technologies impact site requirements. We will also summarize some of the factors and codes to consider when selecting and sizing a ventilation system for a facility in which stationary lead acid batteries are installed.

Learning Objectives:
At the completion of this course you will be able to:
  • Describe how the choice of UPS battery technology impacts both site requirements and costs for supporting IT and network environments
  • Recognize that ventilation systems must address health, safety, and battery performance in a room
  • Identify the different ventilation requirements for Valve Regulated Lead Acid Batteries, Modular Battery Cartridges, and Flooded Batteries
  • Identify which local safety codes and regulations will impact the selection and sizing of a ventilation system

Certificate of Achievement - Battery Technology: Site Planning and Ventilation. Date: 2023-10-02

關於施耐德電機(Schneider Electric)

施耐德電機(Schneider Electric)是法國一家跨國企業,成立於1836年,是世界級的能源管理公司、最佳化解決方案供應商之一,主要產品包括斷路器、感測器、控制器等。為各國能源設施、工業、資料中心及網路、大樓,提供整體解決方案。其中在能源、基礎設施、工業過程控制、大樓自動化、資料中心與網路等市場,皆處世界領先地位。

自成立以來,施耐德一直是法國工業先鋒之一,在19世紀末,曾是歐洲三大軍火廠之一。2008年,施耐德電機全球銷售額,達183億歐元。施耐德電機的宗旨是:讓所有人都能善用其能源與資源,為所有人建立起進步與永續發展的橋梁。施耐德稱之為"Life Is On"!







什麼是電池的CCA(Cold Cranking Amperes)? 如何量測CCA?

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