[支持] 藝文活動: 保存文化、書籍交換 (save the culture, book exchange)


200+200=400 ^_^

NT 200 (2017除夕夜時買的)

NT 200

支持藝文活動: 保存文化、書籍交換

2017-03-08 獻慶在朋友的FB上面看到這個活動。


一時間還看不懂,但是最下面那兩行英文字 #savetheculture #bookexchange可看作save the culture (保存文化)以及book exchange (書籍交換)。當下就按了"讚"! (這就是當"狂讚士"的後果啦~~~! ^_^ 汗)

既然按了讚,朋友也來了私訊(文末補充資料中有),就好好參加吧! ^_^

說到要送書,沒問題,獻慶這裡啥沒有,書超多的啦! 家裡開印刷廠,從產品說明書到佛經都有歐! (科科)

不然,獻慶自己也有回顧文章的著作"Electronic and optical properties of graphene nanoribbons in external fields",內文44頁,不含封面。(科科科)

歐~~~! 嫌頁數不夠! 那麼獻慶的博士論文,160幾頁,夠了吧... ^_^ (科科科科)

回顧文章"Electronic and optical properties of graphene nanoribbons in external fields"封面。



......... ... ... ...

過了一陣子,無意間看到了一本"咖啡聖經(Coffee Obsession)"的書籍,當下就購買了兩本,一本拿來參加活動,另一本則因為自己也喜歡喝咖啡,更喜歡接觸關於咖啡的知識及文化,就自己留著看。

咖啡聖經(Coffee Obsession)中文版



本來獻慶想說隔壁的小7比較近,用宅急便就好,怎料沒有收件人的聯絡電話,無法寄件。本來想說用FB問一下電話,就先跟店員買單了。想當然,問不到電話啦。當天還是國定假日(51勞動節),郵局放假,只好改天再處理。隔天,先去小7退款,再跑去郵局、寄快捷(NT 100),終於搞定了! 呼~~~! ^_^


"保存文化、書籍交換" ^_^

關於"咖啡聖經(Coffee Obsession)"


















安妮特.穆德維爾 (Anette Moldvaer)

安妮特.穆德維爾是平方英里咖啡烘焙坊(Square Mile Coffee Roasters)的共同創辦人,該公司位於英國倫敦,是一間獲獎無數的咖啡烘焙商。平方英里挑選、購買、進口、烘焙咖啡豆,並銷售給一般消費者及企業。安妮特的咖啡職涯從1999年於其家鄉挪威擔任咖啡調理師開始,目前則是全年拜訪咖啡農,從全世界挑選出最棒的咖啡。

安妮特在多項國際業界競賽中擔任評審,例如世界咖啡師大賽(World Barista Championships)、國際咖啡杯測賽(Cup of Excellence)及最佳美食獎(Good Food Awards),並開設咖啡講座,遍及歐洲、美國、拉丁美洲及非洲。安妮特曾在2007、2008及2009年的世界咖啡師大賽中獲得最佳義式濃縮咖啡獎,並在2007年贏得世界盃杯測師大賽(World Cup Tasters Championship)冠軍。

"咖啡聖經(Coffee Obsession)"英文原版簡介及作者介紹

【Synopsis of the book】

Perfect your barista technique with over 100 global coffee recipes from chai latte to ristretto. Take a journey from bean to cup with Coffee Obsession, which shows you how to make iconic coffees through step-by-step barista training. From the techniques of roasting, grinding, tamping and brewing to how to make a cappuccino, you'll learn everything you need to know to make the perfect coffee and about the beauty of latte art. Over 100 recipes include brews to suit every taste, from contemporary favorites such as the flat white to classic choices such as the ideal Irish coffee recipe. From french presses to cloth brewers, you'll explore all the different equipment you need to create fantastically flavored coffee, along with a guide through the flavor wheel and "cupping" tasting notes. You'll also go on a voyage through the life of a coffee bean and learn the ideal harvest seasons and roasts of each different bean, all combined with mouth-watering flavor profiles. Coffee Obsession is perfect for coffee lovers who want to make the best cup of coffee in the world in their own home.
(From Waterstones: Coffee Obssesion )

More than 150 million Americans drink coffee each day. We're not the only nation obsessed: More than 2.25 billion cups of coffee are consumed in the world each day.

In Coffee Obsession, we take a journey through the coffee-producing nations around the world, presenting the different styles, flavors, and techniques used to brew the perfect cup. We explore how coffee gets from bean to cup in each region, and what that means for the final product.

Through clear step-by-step instruction, Coffee Obsession will teach you how to make latte, cappuccino, and other iconic coffee styles as if you were a professionally trained barista. With more than 130 classic coffee recipes to suit every taste, detailed flavor profiles and tasting notes, as well as recommended roasts from around the world, Coffee Obsession is like nothing else out on the market.
(From Amazon: Coffee Obsession )

【Synopsis of the book from Square Mile Coffee Roasters】

Our co-owner, roaster, green buyer and director Anette Moldvaer has published her first book "Coffee Obsession," covering everything you need to know about coffee! The definitive guide from how it grows to how it gets to us, what to look for when you buy, and how to brew it.

With 17 years of experience in coffee, Anette guides you through the basics but also takes more in depth looks at areas such as producing countries and tasting.

A major section of the book is dedicated to 35 of the main countries that grow the coffee we drink. Like an encyclopedia it serves as a reference of their history, botanical varieties and harvesting cycles, complete with facts, figures and beautifully drawn maps of growing regions.

Starting with the story of how coffee spread around the world, followed by explanations of species and varieties through to the processes at farm and mill level, the book leads you into learning how to taste coffee the way industry professionals do. You'll be guided through how to describe what you taste by Anette's own flavor wheel.

In addition to covering topics such as roasting, water quality, correct grinding and decaf, this book will equip you with all the knowledge and tools you need to make informed decisions on how to buy the best coffee and how to prepare it.

Learn about various home brewing methods such as the french press, drip and cloth brewers, aeropress, syphon, stove top, cold drip, ibrik and phin, as well as how to make espresso, steam milk and pour latte art.

Full of illustrations, step by step instructions and practical information, this book makes coffee knowledge accessible for everyone whether you take yours black, or with syrup and whipped cream!
(From Square Mile Coffee Roasters: Coffee Obssesion )

【About the Author】

Anette Moldvaer is the co-founder of Square Mile Coffee Roasters in London. She has extensive experience judging competitions- such as the World Barista Championships, the Cup of Excellence and the Good Food Awards and has led coffee workshops all over Europe, the US, Latin America and Africa. She roasted the World Barista Championship winning espresso three years in a row and won the World Tasters Championship in 2007. She began as a barista in her native Norway and now travels to visit coffee producers all year round, sourcing the very best coffees from around the world. --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.
(From Amazon: Coffee Obsession )



/ 跟我一起玩!! /





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