[NCKU][ICSG 2021] 分享業界鋰電池發展狀況及鋰電池電力特性
鍾獻慶(Hsien-Ching Chung)受主辦單位(國立成功大學 National Cheng Kung University)邀請,去ICSG 2021國際研討會,分享業界鋰電池發展狀況及鋰電池電力特性。
主題: 業界鋰電池發展狀況及鋰電池電力特性
演講時間: 2021年12月30日 (星期四) 14:45~15:30
地點: 國立成功大學
受邀演講者名單。 |
第二日行程表。 |
Prof. Ming-Fa Lin for the book chapter invitation and for inspiring H. C. Chung to study this topic.
Jung-Feng Jack Lin, Chairman of Super Double Power Technology Co., Ltd., Taiwan, for many valuable discussions, recommendations, information about ESSs in various scales and real case examples.
H. C. Chung would like to thank the contributors to this article for their valuable discussions and recommendations, Hsiao-Wen Yang, Yen-Kai Lo, and An-De Andrew Chung.
The author (H. C. Chung) thanks Pei-Ju Chien for English discussions and corrections as well as Ming-Hui Chung, Su-Ming Chen, Lien-Kuei Chien, and Mi-Lee Kao for financial support.
This work was supported in part by Super Double Power Technology Co., Ltd., Taiwan, under the project “Development of Cloud-native Energy Management Systems for Medium-scale Energy Storage Systems ( https://doi.org/10.17605/OSF.IO/7FR9Z )” (Grand number: SDP-RD-PROJ-001-2020).
(FB link: https://www.facebook.com/hsienching.chung/posts/5144531762226418 )
[NCKU][Hi-GEM][ICBM 2020] 分享業界電池技術及鋰電池產業發展狀況
[台灣電池協會][2018台日交流會] 磷酸鋰鐵電池模組失效模式分析 Failure mode and effects analysis of LFP battery module
The International Conference 2021 Semiconductor and Green energies (ICSG2021) will be organized by Professor Ming-Fa Lin's research group, Department of Physics, National Cheng Kung University (NCKU), Tainan, Taiwan. This conference is financially supported by the SATU Joint Research Scheme (JRS) and the NCKU Office of International Affairs (OIA). It provides a good opportunity for all researchers, including students, postdocs, professors, and scientists to exchange and discuss their scientific information and network in basic and applied sciences, particularly in the fields of semiconductors and green energies.This conference focuses primarily on computational simulation and experimental research of condensed matter systems, quantum topological materials, and green energies, particularly ion-based batteries. The updating advances and interdisciplinary research will be very useful for establishing strong research, network, and cooperation.We cordially invite all the scientific community to participate in this conference, presenting and sharing scientific research and practical applications.
GOOD! ^_^