[日文學習] 如何練五十音以及日文聽力 Q&A精華篇

[日文學習] 如何練五十音以及日文聽力這個主題中,朋友們在FB或者YouTube上問了一些問題,精華部份放在這裡。




Reyes Weng 有沒有歌詞的翻譯或文法啊,這樣更完整
獻慶鍾 就是要給人看著唱啊~~~!




而文法嘛... 就不是這個主題的重點啦...


Matisse Tour 偶以為你會翻成漢語的說
獻慶鍾 你是指這句嗎?

"東映配給アニメ映画『新世紀エヴァンゲリオン劇場版 シト新生』イメージソングで、 エヴァンゲリオンの劇中では未使用の曲。"

獻慶鍾 這已經夠好猜了,再翻的話你會笑倒
獻慶鍾 還是要來"應觀眾要求一下勒?"
Matisse Tour 偶是縮歌詞
獻慶鍾 歐~~~! 翻歌詞,就失去學日文的樂趣了...


獻慶鍾 歌詞還是別翻譯的好,會倒胃口...
Matisse Tour 我以為你要翻給看不懂日文的人看說這首歌在唱啥
Matisse Tour 是喔 好吧
獻慶鍾 沒啦!
獻慶鍾 請翻這首...
獻慶鍾 大概也是倒胃口...
獻慶鍾 這首是重金屬名曲啊
張家齊 smoke on the water, fire in the sky.
獻慶鍾 要不要翻譯看看 科科

YouTube Comments


[日文歌詞] ふたりで一つの人生を
鍾獻慶2 weeks agoHighlighted comment
Thank you for sharing this video. It's helpful for Japanese learning. https://dream-and-creation.blogspot.tw/2017/05/blog-post_18.html I have a topic on how to learn Japanese by singing Japanese songs. I've learned more than 100 Japanese songs. I enjoy singing songs and learn Japanese in this way. The learning walkthrough has been published on the blogger for everyone who wants to sing Japanese songs and learn Japanese. I will continuously publish Japanese song lyrics with kanji pronunciations (which I have learned).
291225 suzuki 
視聴ありがとうございます。お役に立てて、良かったです。(Thank you for watching. I am glad that it was helpful.)
YouTube link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BZRAL_ol0MQ&google_comment_id=z13dsn04zqatvlybz04cd3ex4tvsf14isis
[日文歌詞] 恋しゅうて
鍾獻慶2 weeks agoHighlighted comment
Thank you for sharing this video. It's helpful for Japanese learning. https://dream-and-creation.blogspot.tw/2017/05/blog-post_24.html I have a topic on how to learn Japanese by singing Japanese songs. I've learned more than 100 Japanese songs. I enjoy singing songs and learn Japanese in this way. The learning walkthrough has been published on the blogger for everyone who wants to sing Japanese songs and learn Japanese. I will continuously publish Japanese song lyrics with kanji pronunciations (which I have learned).
Watching society thank you If you are able to speak Japanese, I would like to hear comments in Japanese and songs in Japanese.
YouTube link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OTko_X1SvMg&google_comment_id=z12bwruoxvmawd5pu04cd3ex4tvsf14isis
[日文歌詞] First Love (宇多田ヒカルの曲)
鍾獻慶3 months agoHighlighted comment
Thank you for sharing this video. It's helpful for Japanese learning. https://dream-and-creation.blogspot.tw/2017/03/first-love.html I have a topic on how to learn Japanese by singing Japanese songs. I've learned more than 100 Japanese songs. I enjoy singing songs and learn Japanese in this way. The learning walkthrough has been published on the blogger for everyone who wants to sing Japanese songs and learn Japanese. I will continuously publish Japanese song lyrics with kanji pronunciations (which I have learned).
Thank you. Arigato !
YouTube link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BOXpkCXaCKk&google_comment_id=z12ddxn42sbbgvfsl22curdaiy2sd3q3q
[日文歌詞] ブルーウォーター
鍾獻慶4 months agoHighlighted comment
Thank you for sharing this video. It's helpful for Japanese learning. https://dream-and-creation.blogspot.tw/2017/01/blog-post_31.html I have a topic on how to learn Japanese by singing Japanese songs. I've learned more than 100 Japanese songs. I enjoy singing songs and learn Japanese in this way. The learning walkthrough has been published on the blogger for everyone who wants to sing Japanese songs and learn Japanese. I will continuously publish Japanese song lyrics with kanji pronunciations (which I have learned).
YouTube link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vx2P4O1F0vw&lc=z12vtppperftdjhum22curdaiy2sd3q3q&feature=em-comments
[日文歌詞] 戦士よ、起ち上がれ!
鍾獻慶2 months agoHighlighted comment
Thank you for sharing this video. It's helpful for Japanese learning. https://dream-and-creation.blogspot.tw/2017/03/blog-post_98.html I have a topic on how to learn Japanese by singing Japanese songs. I've learned more than 100 Japanese songs. I enjoy singing songs and learn Japanese in this way. The learning walkthrough has been published on the blogger for everyone who wants to sing Japanese songs and learn Japanese. I will continuously publish Japanese song lyrics with kanji pronunciations (which I have learned).
Thank you for commenting on the video.I am very honored to say so. Are you interested in Japan?I sincerely hope that the day will come when you will visit Japan someday. Thank you for commenting on the video.
YouTube link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qQZOkLwP27Q&google_comment_id=z12iyhsj4oy4u5jkg22curdaiy2sd3q3q
[日文歌詞] Long Long ago, 20th Century
鍾獻慶2 months agoHighlighted comment
Thank you for sharing this video. It's helpful for Japanese learning. https://dream-and-creation.blogspot.tw/2017/03/long-long-ago-20th-century.html I have a topic on how to learn Japanese by singing Japanese songs. I've learned more than 100 Japanese songs. I enjoy singing songs and learn Japanese in this way. The learning walkthrough has been published on the blogger for everyone who wants to sing Japanese songs and learn Japanese. I will continuously publish Japanese song lyrics with kanji pronunciations (which I have learned).
D2さん 隣の 
thank you for your comment! ありがとうございます。 少しでも お役に立てたなら、幸いです!
YouTube link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nv7XdYebZsw&google_comment_id=z12nit0rlmn3jx5dt22curdaiy2sd3q3q
[日文歌詞] Long Long ago, 20th Century
鍾獻慶2 months agoHighlighted comment
Thank you for sharing this video. It's helpful for Japanese learning. https://dream-and-creation.blogspot.tw/2017/03/long-long-ago-20th-century.html I have a topic on how to learn Japanese by singing Japanese songs. I've learned more than 100 Japanese songs. I enjoy singing songs and learn Japanese in this way. The learning walkthrough has been published on the blogger for everyone who wants to sing Japanese songs and learn Japanese. I will continuously publish Japanese song lyrics with kanji pronunciations (which I have learned).
You're welcome sir, I hoped you liked this video which is very popular in the philippined during the late 90's
YouTube link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LILXsuFZqpE&google_comment_id=z13fih0qjwm1gbxnt22curdaiy2sd3q3q
[日文歌詞] 乾杯 (長渕剛の曲)
鍾獻慶3 months agoHighlighted comment
Thank you for sharing this video. It's helpful for Japanese learning. https://dream-and-creation.blogspot.tw/2017/03/blog-post_3.html I have a topic on how to learn Japanese by singing Japanese songs. I've learned more than 100 Japanese songs. I enjoy singing songs and learn Japanese in this way. The learning walkthrough has been published on the blogger for everyone who wants to sing Japanese songs and learn Japanese. I will continuously publish Japanese song lyrics with kanji pronunciations (which I have learned).
YouTube link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0P1q_Yf2F4I&google_comment_id=z135jxfi2kj3ttijl04cd3ex4tvsf14isis
[日文歌詞] 乾杯 (長渕剛の曲)
鍾獻慶3 months agoHighlighted comment
Thank you for sharing this video. It's helpful for Japanese learning. https://dream-and-creation.blogspot.tw/2017/03/blog-post_3.html I have a topic on how to learn Japanese by singing Japanese songs. I've learned more than 100 Japanese songs. I enjoy singing songs and learn Japanese in this way. The learning walkthrough has been published on the blogger for everyone who wants to sing Japanese songs and learn Japanese. I will continuously publish Japanese song lyrics with kanji pronunciations (which I have learned).
YouTube link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Jen3wT_omc&google_comment_id=z13eij0jvvmeirv2o22curdaiy2sd3q3q
[日文歌詞] Forever
鍾獻慶3 months agoHighlighted comment
Thank you for sharing this video. It's helpful for Japanese learning. https://dream-and-creation.blogspot.tw/2017/02/forever.html I have a topic on how to learn Japanese by singing Japanese songs. I've learned more than 100 Japanese songs. I enjoy singing songs and learn Japanese in this way. The learning walkthrough has been published on the blogger for everyone who wants to sing Japanese songs and learn Japanese. I will continuously publish Japanese song lyrics with kanji pronunciations (which I have learned).
Alec Chang 
YouTube link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IUYjfH0rz90&google_comment_id=z13axlc5hrred305t04cd3ex4tvsf14isis
[日文歌詞] めざせポケモンマスター
鍾獻慶3 months agoHighlighted comment
Thank you for sharing this video. It's helpful for Japanese learning. https://dream-and-creation.blogspot.tw/2017/02/blog-post_8.html I have a topic on how to learn Japanese by singing Japanese songs. I've learned more than 100 Japanese songs. I enjoy singing songs and learn Japanese in this way. The learning walkthrough has been published on the blogger for everyone who wants to sing Japanese songs and learn Japanese. I will continuously publish Japanese song lyrics with kanji pronunciations (which I have learned).
Hide replies 
Thank you for enjoying the music!
同是成大人,一定要讚一下的啦~~~! ^_^ 特別是這種無意間看到的驚喜! 沒想到成大管絃也會表演ACG的曲目!
恩恩 多半是流行曲目,也不一定是ACG啦!
YouTube link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t55mqU4nekg&google_comment_id=z12tvj4p1xiwdzshf04cd3ex4tvsf14isis
[日文歌詞] ラストキッス
Thank you for sharing this video. It's helpful for Japanese learning. https://dream-and-creation.blogspot.tw/2017/02/blog-post_10.html I have a topic on how to learn Japanese by singing Japanese songs. I've learned more than 100 Japanese songs. I enjoy singing songs and learn Japanese in this way. The learning walkthrough has been published on the blogger for everyone who wants to sing Japanese songs and learn Japanese. I will continuously publish Japanese song lyrics with kanji pronunciations (which I have learned).
nice 17 year old handwriting to a wonderfull tanpopo song. nice work dude. 👍
YouTube link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sCnr4vtsHZc&google_comment_id=z13kf3gimuzuwztl222curdaiy2sd3q3q
[日文歌詞] Angel Blue
Thank you for sharing this video. It's helpful for Japanese learning. https://dream-and-creation.blogspot.tw/2017/01/angel-blue.html I have a topic on how to learn Japanese by singing Japanese songs. I've learned more than 100 Japanese songs. I enjoy singing songs and learn Japanese in this way. The learning walkthrough has been published on the blogger for everyone who wants to sing Japanese songs and learn Japanese. I will continuously publish Japanese song lyrics with kanji pronunciations (which I have learned).
Carlos González 
Cool man, I did not know it was useful that way, glad I could help
YouTube link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WV1I8znUQ6o
[日文歌詞] ときめきの導火線
Thank you for sharing this video. It's helpful for Japanese learning. https://dream-and-creation.blogspot.tw/2017/01/blog-post_27.html I have a topic on how to learn Japanese by singing Japanese songs. I've learned more than 100 Japanese songs. I enjoy singing songs and learn Japanese in this way. The learning walkthrough has been published on the blogger for everyone who wants to sing Japanese songs and learn Japanese. I will continuously publish Japanese song lyrics with kanji pronunciations (which I have learned).
Your blog looks so amazing and useful ! Thank you for sharing my video !
YouTube link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VMBrE7RiYxg
[日文歌詞] 未来派Lovers
網友Dingdongpo送出愛心。 ^_^

YouTube link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LzNbA6_sYW4&lc=z12vghyjnsmdh0b0kmapudnrkq2cxkxk&feature=em-comments
[日文歌詞] コンディション・グリーン~緊急発進~

Thank you for sharing this video. It's helpful for Japanese learning. https://dream-and-creation.blogspot.tw/2017/01/blog-post_25.html I have a topic on how to learn Japanese by singing Japanese songs. I've learned more than 100 Japanese songs. I enjoy singing songs and learn Japanese in this way. The learning walkthrough has been published on the blogger for everyone who wants to sing Japanese songs and learn Japanese. I will continuously publish Japanese song lyrics with kanji pronunciations (which I have learned).
I have learned a lot of Japanese through music and tv shows, mostly from anime. I appreciate your work.
YouTube link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Zgc_D7GwEk
[日文歌詞] We are...
網友Asako Otori認同這個方式可以增進日文學習。

鍾獻慶2 weeks agoHighlighted comment
Thank you for sharing this video. It's helpful for Japanese learning. http://dream-and-creation.blogspot.tw/2017/01/we-are.html I have a topic on how to learn Japanese by singing Japanese songs. I've learned more than 100 Japanese songs. I enjoy singing songs and learn Japanese in this way. The learning walkthrough has been published on the blogger for everyone who wants to sing Japanese songs and learn Japanese. I will continuously publish Japanese song lyrics with kanji pronunciations (which I have learned).
Asako Otori 
Thank you for your comment. You've done a great job! I'm sure what you do definitely helps a lot of people in mastering Japanese. Thank you for sharing the link. :)
YouTube link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RG5ARf1r6LM
Thank you for sharing this video. It's helpful for Japanese learning. https://dream-and-creation.blogspot.tw/2016/10/angel-voice.html I have a topic on how to learn Japanese by singing Japanese songs. I've learned more than 100 Japanese songs. I enjoy singing songs and learn Japanese in this way. The learning walkthrough has been published on the blogger for everyone who wants to sing Japanese songs and learn Japanese. I will continuously publish Japanese song lyrics with kanji pronunciations (which I have learned).
"it is better to learn grammar and construction of sentences with ordinary texts, because in song lyrics there are may be some missing particles and inappropriate words sequences in order to fit lyrics with rhythm." That's right. Grammar and sentence constructions with ordinary words are essential and important. When learning Japanese in the university, I learned basic grammar and sentence constructions. Sometimes, I'd like to use the knowledge and enjoy what I learned instead of remembering them without thinking. Singing Japanese songs is one of my learning ways, and I like to share it. ^_^
Waver Velvet 
Thank you for sharing your blog's link. Yes, I also find this way of learning Japanese quite good for myself. It is most helpful with remembering words, but in my opinion it is better to learn grammar and construction of sentences with ordinary texts, because in song lyrics there are may be some missing particles and inappropriate words sequences in order to fit lyrics with rhythm.
YouTube link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sbQ8SmIBCLQ&google_comment_id=z12nw1nozquhjnqzr04cd3ex4tvsf14isis
網友的老婆是國小的音樂老師,教這首歌,很令人意外啊! ^_^

Thank you for sharing this video. It's helpful for Japanese learning. https://dream-and-creation.blogspot.tw/2016/07/brand-new-dream.html I have a topic on how to learn Japanese by singing Japanese songs. I've learned more than 100 Japanese songs. I enjoy singing songs and learn Japanese in this way. The learning walkthrough has been published on the blogger for everyone who wants to sing Japanese songs and learn Japanese. I will continuously publish Japanese song lyrics with kanji pronunciations (which I have learned).
You're welcome, I'm glad this was helpful. My wife teaches music (and some more) in elementary school, she said these songs are easier to learn because of the smooth pronunciation. I doesn't like singing, but if everyone say so... XD
YouTube link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B3EgpFII3ho


[日文學習] 如何練五十音以及日文聽力
[日文學習] 譜寫日文歌詞




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[數據處理] Excel 日期時間 換算成 秒

[日文歌詞] お久しぶりね