
目前顯示的是 7月, 2021的文章

[Arduino] UART ASCII code解碼練習

既然已經學會了如何解碼UART的ASCII code,那就多練習幾次,加深印象。 (如何解碼可參考之前的Po文 [Arduino] 使用示波器來看Arduino的UART, Inverted Software serial及RS-232訊號並對其進行解碼  ) 使用Arduino開發版進行UART訊號輸出 Baud rate: 9600 bps 8N1 以下來看一些練習,另外附上原始訊號圖,方便各位練習。 SDP Super Double Power (SDP)超倍能科技的縮寫。 一個專注於儲能系統研發的公司。 代表作為玉山排雲山莊太陽能儲能系統。 "SDP"的UART訊號,解碼後。 "SDP"的UART訊號。 IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) 電機電子工程師學會的縮寫。 是一個建立於1963年1月1日的國際性電子技術與電子工程師協會,亦是世界上最大的專業技術組織之一,擁有來自175個國家的成員,會員總數超過42萬。 "IEEE"的UART訊號,解碼後。 "IEEE"的UART訊號。 XYZ 召喚 城市獵人(シティーハンター) "冴羽 獠" 的密碼。 "XYZ"的UART訊號,解碼後。 "XYZ"的UART訊號。 EVA 召喚 福音戰士 "Evangelion (エヴァンゲリオン)" 的密碼。 "EVA"的UART訊號,解碼後。 "EVA"的UART訊號。 GUNDAM 召喚 剛彈 "Gundam (ガンダム)" 的密碼。 "GUNDAM"的UART訊號,解碼後。 "GUNDAM"的UART訊號。 Hsien-Ching Chung 剛剛都是大寫字母,現在要來挑戰一下複合文字。 用自己的英文名"Hsien-Ching Chung"來試試看好了。 "Hsien-Ching Chung"的UART訊號,解碼後。 呼~~~! 差點沒被搞死,還好裡面的重複字母夠多。 PS: 此圖為多張截圖拼...

[工業研究] Charge and discharge profiles of repurposed LiFePO4 batteries based on the UL 1974 standard (汰役磷酸鋰鐵電池基於UL1974標準的充放電曲線)

標題: Charge and discharge profiles of repurposed LiFePO 4 batteries based on the UL 1974 standard (汰役磷酸鋰鐵電池基於UL1974標準的充放電曲線) 作者群姓名: Hsien-Ching Chung (鍾獻慶) 文章摘要(英文): Owing to the popularization of electric vehicles worldwide and the development of renewable energy supply, Li-ion batteries are widely used from small-scale personal mobile products to large-scale energy storage systems. Recently, the number of retired power batteries has largely increased, causing environmental protection threats and waste of resources. Since most of the retired power batteries still possess about 80% of their initial capacity, their second use becomes a possible route to solve the emergent problem. Safety and performance are important when using these second-use repurposed batteries. Underwriters Laboratories (UL), a global safety certification company, published the standard for evaluating the safety and performance of repurposed batteries, i.e., UL 1974. In this work, the test procedures are designed a...