[學術研究][課程分享] OSA Reviewer Certification
獻慶今天剛完成一項課程,叫做"OSA Reviewer Certification (OSA審稿人認證)",覺得很有收穫! ^_^ 還拿了張證書... OSA Reviewer Certificate - Hsien-Ching Chung 證書上的說明 Successfully completed the OSA Reviewer Certification Course on 07 August 2019. 中文翻譯 成功地在2019年8月7日完成OSA審稿人認證課程。 課程介紹 在課程的一開始,就提及了 Journal editors rely on peer reviews to help them judge the value of a technical article and determine whether it should be published. This course provides an overview of the objectives for peer review and of the steps involved in reviewing a scientific manuscript. It will demystify the process for early career researchers who are new to peer review, and more experienced reviewers may benefit from a refresher on the best practices for ensuring a constructive and ethical review of scientific research. 用中文說就是 期刊編輯們有賴於同儕審稿去幫助他們判斷科技文章的價值,並決定其是否該被發表。這個課程對同儕審稿提供一個概觀的介紹,並且提供審查科學稿件的步驟指引。對於在早期職業生涯的研究者們,他們對同儕審稿還相當陌生,此課程可以讓新手們更容易了解何謂同儕審稿。而對有經驗的審稿者們,在複習了有建設性並符合學術倫理的科學論文審查流程後,將可能獲益更多。 其課程其實基本上與ACS Review...