[演講] Electronic and optical properties of graphene nanoribbons in external fields (2015-10-28)
獻慶於2015-10-28去成功大學微 奈米科技研究中心 ,給一場演講。 關於"奈米石墨帶於外場下的電子及光學性質"。 -------------------- 這個時間點超棒的,剛好就在文章投稿之後。當晚做投影片到凌晨四點半。但是,將整理好的感覺真棒! 而且還有人可以分享! (FB link: https://www.facebook.com/hsienching.chung/posts/1067108286635473?pnref=story ) 感謝: 陳顯禎 主任邀請演講。讓獻慶有這個機會,把這個題材的相關資料進行整理並分享。 鄧熙聖 教授、 張世慧 教授,意見交流,並提供實驗上的觀點。 相關資料: 演講公告 演講人 : 鍾獻慶博士 演講題目: Electronic and optical properties of graphene nanoribbons in external fields 日期/時間: 2015.10.28,星期三 ,11:10 ~ 12:00 地點: 成功大學自強校區科技大樓4F 9064會議室 講綱: A review work is done for electronic and optical properties of graphene nanoribbons in magnetic, electric, composite, and modulated fields. Effects due to the lateral confinement, curvature, stacking, non-uniform subsystems and hybrid structures are taken into account. The special electronic properties, induced by complex competitions between external fields and geometric structures, include many ...