[學術書籍01] Rich Quasiparticle Properties of Low Dimensional Systems

獻慶很開心能與各位分享最近出版的學術書籍"Rich Quasiparticle Properties of Low Dimensional Systems"! 同時,感謝各位共同作者,有眾人的努力,本書才得以出版! ^_^

Rich Quasiparticle Properties of Low Dimensional Systems


書名: Rich Quasiparticle Properties of Low Dimensional Systems
作者: Chiun-Yan Lin, Cheng-Hsueh Yang, Chih-Wei Chiu, Hsien-Ching Chung, Shih-Yang Lin, and Ming-Fa Lin
出版社: IOP Publishing (國際性學術出版社,又是一間百年老店)
出版時間: December 2021
Online ISBN: 978-0-7503-3783-0
Print ISBN: 978-0-7503-3781-6

我的英文名字"鍾獻慶(Hsien-Ching Chung)"可在作者欄位看到。

資料來源: DOI: 10.1088/978-0-7503-3783-0


This book discusses the essential properties of carbon nanotubes and 2D graphene systems. The book focuses on the fundamental excitation properties of a large range of graphene-related materials, presenting a new theoretical framework that couples electronic properties and e-e Coulomb interactions together in order to thoroughly explore Coulomb excitations and decay rates in carbon-nanotube-related systems. This book is aimed at researchers in nanomaterials and high-level students in physics, science and material engineering. It will serve as the ideal reference text for scientists working on carbon nanotubes, and will thoroughly expand the reader's knowledge of the application of carbon nanotube technology to graphene-based materials and the technological potential thereof.

Key features
  1. Covers many graphene-related systems, such as, 1D-3D carbon nanotube systems, layered graphenes, and other 2D materials.
  2. Presents a generalized theoretical model for essential excitation properties.
  3. Presents comprehensive theoretical results for fundamental and applied sciences.
  4. Presents reliable and complete results in the diversified many-body properties.
  5. Provides potential applications for graphene-based electronic and plasmonic devices.
(有興趣者,可自行使用翻譯軟體參透,例如: Google翻譯)


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書籍價格190 USD,折合台幣為5432.1 NTD (以匯率28.59來換算,2022-03-15)

嗯! 學術有價值、但不便宜!




一本書的完成,事實上並不容易,獻慶感謝許多幕後人員的貢獻,例如: 出版社、相關研究群、研究中碰到的每個人事物。


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